Birth is Autonomous

07:14 PM Feb 15, 2021 | mcfadmin

I think first, what we need to, you know, start to think about is what is the context? The context is about knowing that human beings are born with an autonomous process. What is the autonomous process? Is that its self learned, it’s self-experienced and it’s self-regulatory and this is something that we need to really have an insight.

And the paradigm shift comes when we start to tune into this process of autonomous autonomy. And when we start to look at the womb environment, we are looking at what’s happening there. Let’s look at it a little bit closer. You have a fluidic environment, you have stillness with movement, which is something that’s unique about the womb.

Where there is fluidity, there is movement yet there is a certain kind of silence that brings a stillness there. And there is a process that happens without even you knowing from outside, which is complete nutrition, nutrition, that’s happening on its own. And we are not kind of controlling that. However, from the outside, we are taking care of our own nutrition.

This is something that we can take care of from outside, but the body knows exactly how it’s sinking in with the baby. And that’s the environment the baby is constantly in for about nine months.